Hoy comienza la segunda edición de MOOC Open eTWINNING

Open eTwinning (2nd edition) 

El fin de las actividades del curso está previsto para el 2 de junio. Se trata de una gran oportunidad de conocer cómo funciona eTwinning y los beneficios que puede aportar a las clases de Inglés y las Áreas no lingüísticas de los centros bilingües y plurilingües de nuestra provincia. Se trata además de una herramienta esencial en la fase previa al diseño de un proyecto ERASMUS+ KA1 o KA2, ya que la búsqueda de socios puede hacerse de manera eficaz, contactando con otros centros interesados en gestionar una asociación estratégica a lo largo de al menos dos cursos escolares.

Estos son los resultados que el profesorado alcanzará al final del curso:
  • designed a project that addresses part of your professional needs and concerns and which includes concepts regarding collaborative work and projects, browsed eTwinning Live and discovered its potential as a social network among teachers, including professional development, negotiated your idea with other colleagues, and reached agreements that establish a common project.
  • learned about ICT tools to help you carry out your ideas and facilitate your teaching, including the actual eTwinning tools.
Uno de los aspectos de este curso en abierto es que incluye elementos formativos para fomentar la competencia digital del profesorado de acuerdo al MARCO DE COMPETENCIA DIGITAL DEL DOCENTE, que se acaba de publicar, Common Digital Competence Framework for Teachers 2017.
 Area 2 "Communication and collaboration"
  • B1 of competence 2.2 "Sharing through digital technologies" working on the following descriptor: I access easily files and documents that have been shared with me in a restricted online space.
  • B2 of competence 2.4 "Collaborating through digital technologies" working on the following descriptor: I organize activities to stimulate my students' use of online resources for collaborative work. 
Area 5 "Problem solving"
  • B1 of competence 5.2 "Identifying needs and technological responses" working on the following descriptor: search, identify, filter, assess and select digital tools and resources to apply them afterwards in the classroom with the purpose of an efficient management of my teaching practice. 
  • C1 of competence 5.3 "Creatively using digital technologies" working on the following descriptor: I know the processes for creating digital contents in a collaborative way with my colleagues through virtual environment.
